Dunkerque-Port is planning a complete change to its directional signing to improve accessibility.
The numerical signing system used in other European countries and certain French ports, most recently Le Havre, seems to offer a solution to the problems encountered in road signing for industrial port areas like Dunkirk. This new experimental system is entirely based on the numbering of all the port sites. The port’s territory has been divided into four geographic sectors served by four motorway interchanges, which have been allocated blocks of numbers:
- Port 2000 to 3000
- Port 3000 to 4000
- Port 4000 to 7000
- Port 7000 to 9000
To ensure the overall coherence of this road signing, the project has been conducted in close cooperation with all highway managers (Interdepartmental Highway Directorate, General Council and Dunkirk Urban Community), and local partners – including Dunkirk Post Office – so that road signing and the address system are closely meshed. The allocation of numbers to all the companies installed in the port area involves changing their addresses, to make the new system operational. Work to dismantle and reinstall the signing is expected to start in September 2010 and the system should be operational in early 2011. This project is dependent upon the involvement of all the partners and companies concerned by this innovative approach. Dunkerque-Port is inviting all those concerned to meetings where the new signing project in the port of Dunkirk will be presented, at 09.30 hours on 24, 25 and 28 June in the Pavillon des Maquettes (Eastern Port).